Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What we miss, because we live in Canada

Ok, so it's not that I didn't know Bill O'Reilly was a wingnut. But I hadn't known the depth of it. In surfing links from friends' blogs, I just came across mediamatters.org, and these choice quotes (just a selected few of many):

• On the September 13, 2005, broadcast of The Radio Factor, O'Reilly claimed that "many of the poor in New Orleans" did not evacuate the city before Hurricane Katrina because "[t]hey were drug-addicted" and "weren't going to get turned off from their source." O'Reilly added, "They were thugs."

• On the August 16, 2006, edition of The O'Reilly Factor, O'Reilly argued extensively for "profiling of Muslims" at airports, arguing that detaining all "Muslims between the ages of 16 and 45" for questioning "isn't racial profiling," but "criminal profiling."

• During the September 19 [, 2007] edition of his nationally syndicated radio program, discussing his recent trip to have dinner with Rev. Al Sharpton at Sylvia's, a famous restaurant in Harlem, Bill O'Reilly reported that he "had a great time, and all the people up there are tremendously respectful," adding: "I couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City. I mean, it was exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks, primarily black patronship." Later, during a discussion with National Public Radio senior correspondent and Fox News contributor Juan Williams about the effect of rap on culture, O'Reilly asserted: "There wasn't one person in Sylvia's who was screaming, 'M-Fer, I want more iced tea.' You know, I mean, everybody was -- it was like going into an Italian restaurant in an all-white suburb in the sense of people were sitting there, and they were ordering and having fun. And there wasn't any kind of craziness at all."

Holy shit. I'm having Margaret Wente and Christie Blatchford over for tea, and to give them fucking tolerance awards.


laura k said...

I'm having Margaret Wente and Christie Blatchford over for tea, and to give them fucking tolerance awards.

Exactly. You've just posted a little microcosm of why we US-to-Canada immigrants think it's so much better here.

Kim_in_TO said...

The comment about Muslims is probably the same as what the Wentes and Blatchfords of Canada are saying or thinking. Do you think it's just a matter of Canadians being more sensitive to public opinion/response?

laura k said...

Do you think it's just a matter of Canadians being more sensitive to public opinion/response?

No, I don't. Part of it must be that such uncivil behaviour is acceptable in the US media as long as there's an audience for it, and in Canada it would not be considered acceptable.

But I wouldn't necessarily assume that's what Blatchford or Wente or Rex Murphy is thinking. It might be, but how would we know?